Product Description
The Model 911 Digital Temperature Meters cover a wide range of temperatures and applications. These instruments are typically used to measure temperatures in electronics, heating / ventilating / air conditioning ( HVAC) process systems, laboratories, schools, and general applications. Typical uses in the electronics field include measuring surface temperatures of components, determining heat dissapation qualities of heat sinks, and " thermal troubleshooting ". When thermal troubleshooting, shorts can be located by excessive heat and inoperative components by the lack of heat. Temperature measurements in general industrial uses might include ( but not limited to) transformers, heat of insulating oil in transformers tanks, bearings, motors surface friction, etc.
- Temperature Range: -58° to 2372°F ( -50° to 1300°C )
- "HOLD" button to locate a reading
- MAX mode
- °F /°C display
- External calibration pots