Product Description
The Berkeley Nucleonics Model 500B pulse generator is very easy to use. Rather than the usual array of knobs and switches, the 500B uses a menu-driven user interface with "on-line" help at the touch of a button. The 500B has some unique features that are designed exclusively for use as a laser trigger signal generator, but can also be used as a general purpose pulse generator.
- Output Impedance: 50Ohm
- Delay: 0 to 99.9999998 sec
- Pulse Width: 400 ns to 99.9999998 sec
- Resolution: 200 ns
- Accuracy: 20 ns + .0001 x delay
- Timebase: 5 MHz 25 PPM crystal oscillator
- RMS Jitter: 10 ns + .0001 x period 100 ns max
- Trig. Delay: Ext Trig to To < 10 ms
- Interface: RS-232
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